Berit Engen WEFT and D'RASH – A Thousand Jewish Tapestries

– Prophetess Portraits As I Perceive Them in the Rainbow

As a female weaver depicting Judaism in a thousand tapestries, I had been waiting since 2007 for the day I would feel ready to portray these seven remarkable women of the Bible. It finally occurred after January 6 of 2022, a time of unsettling situations inundating the news every day. The desire to weave the prophetesses at this time is combined with a nostalgic longing for reason and for peace and harmony – qualities that are traditionally connected with women. The Noahide rainbow seemed like the right starting point and color reference for planning the series.
All but the last tapestry have a green shape as part of the composition, symbolizing nurturing trees and plants and alluding to women long ago as gatherers.

- 8 tapestries (series completed).
- Click on images for more information.

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