Berit Engen WEFT and D'RASH – A Thousand Jewish Tapestries

– Curses in Browns and Blues

“God protect us from goyishe hands and Jewish tongues!” (“Got zol op’hitn fun goyishe hent un yidishe reyd!”) No wonder this saying came into being. These Yiddish prophesies of doom – although mostly unfulfillable – are vividly painted and hilarious. Add to that the sound  of the curses when exclaimed in the original language, and one easily gains an understanding of differences in cultural sensibilities

- 12 tapestries (series completed).
- Click on images for more information.

– Glittering Shards and Rough Gems of Wisdom

Somewhere I saw Hebrew described as the language of Jewish aspirations and Yiddish as the language of Jewish reality.

- 8 tapestries (series in progress).
- Click on images for more information.

 – An Itsy-Bitsy Dictionary of Essential “Voyds”
How can we rejoice and complain in a strange land? By using our own exclamations in our own languages.

- 4 tapestries (series in progress).
- Click on images for more information.

– "Play, Klezmorim, So We Can Dance and Sing!"

Interestingly – or bashert – my German studies and my pursuit of learning Hebrew served a higher purpose: to know what I sing when I sing in Yiddish, this fascinating language of exile struggling to survive. And to which I am so fortunate to be able to feel quite drawn. 

- 4 tapestries (series in progress).
- Click on images for more information.

 – Hey Got in Himl, FYI, It Is Not Pretty Down Here Right Now
I heard chanted in my synagogue on Rosh Hashanah four prayers by Levi Yitzchak, the Berdichever Rebbe, (1740 1809). Stunned by their stirring words and melodies, I wove four tapestries; the series is named after one of the songs whose title states we are putting God on trial.

- (4/4 tapestries, series complete)
- Click on images for more information.
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